Business Contract Lawyer

If you run a business, you will likely enter into multiple contracts throughout the years. Whether you enter into a contract with a vendor or employee, it’s important to have a lawyer review it. Here are some common myths about business contracts that you shouldn’t believe.

Contracts Must Include Complex Legal Jargon

When many people think about business contracts, they imagine documents with legal jargon that the average person doesn’t understand. The truth is that business contracts don’t have to have such complicated language. In fact, it’s better when contracts are clear and have simple language.

Standard Contracts Exist

Unlike popular belief, there are no one-size-fits-all contracts. Every contract is unique and shouldn’t use boilerplate language. Standard contracts may also include terms and conditions that don’t apply to your type of business. Business contracts that are too vague might not be able to address certain issues that arise between the two parties.

All Contracts Are Fair

While it would be nice if this were true, it doesn’t always work out that way. Not all contracts are necessarily fair. Some contracts may favor one party over the other. That’s why it’s crucial to have an experienced business contract lawyer on your side. A lawyer can review your contract before you sign it to make sure that it reflects your best interests.

A Written Contract Isn’t Necessary

Some businesses opt out on written contracts and just rely on hand shakes. Although this can sometimes work, you never know if something will go wrong. For instance, if the other party doesn’t pay you or is performing poorly, it may be difficult to prove that they are breaking the terms of the contract. That’s why it’s always worth the extra money to draft a written contract.

Parties Are Bound to the Terms of a Contract

In most cases, this is true, but there are exceptions. For example, if the terms are impossible to perform or would cause the party extreme hardship, they may not be bound to these terms anymore.

You Don’t Need a Lawyer

Although you can draft a business contract on your own, it’s in your best interest to work with an experienced business lawyer. A lawyer can make sure that you understand everything in the contract and that the terms reflect your best interests.

If you need help with a contract, contact a business contract lawyer, like one from Carpenter & Lewis PLLC.