Anyone interested in beginning a career in law has surely visited the idea of working in Washington DC. As the location of the Supreme Court, congress, and a majority of the nation’s lobbyists, the incredible density of lawyers per capita in the area comes as no surprise. And, luckily, to have a successful career in law does not necessitate a law degree. These days, paralegals serve a very important role in law. Without the help of paralegals, many lawyers would hardly be able to function in their industries.
Although a law degree is not required, in order to be a paralegal you must have an excellent grasp on the legal system. Without such knowledge, assisting a professional in legal duties would be nearly impossible. This is why, to become a successful paralegal, two years of paralegal education is typically required. In order to work as a paralegal, specific certification is not required in the same way that a lawyers must pass the state’s bar exam. However, for the sake of a greater resume and a more rigorous reputation, many professional paralegals opt to aquire certain certifications. In Washington DC, there are multiple ways you can learn to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a respected paralegal. The Paralegal Institute of Washington DC, for example, offers paralegal workshops for those interested in a career in the industry. These workshops and job advising give great tips and advice on how to write a great paralegal resume, how to ace the interview, and even provides job training. The same institution provides paralegal courses in Washington DC so these trainees can acquire the knowledge they need to be successful and compete in the paralegal job market in Washington DC.
What would your paralegal career look like? Much of your daily tasks and projects will revolve around extensive legal research, preparing briefs and drafting pleadings for the lawyers you work for. In their research, a paralegal will investigate facts about the case, gather supportive evidence, interview witnesses and investigate the laws and regulations concerning the issues of the case.
Becoming a paralegal is hard work. It is a competitive industry that requires hard work by rigorous professionals. Many paralegals find that it is well worth the work to have a career in such an interesting field. If you think you have what it takes, being a paralegal may be the right career for you!