A Dental Assistant is an entry-level position with grave importance.  Dental Assistants play an integral role in dental offices like those of All in One Dental Innovations and dentists everywhere!  Preparation for this job is short, but the potential for earnings and advancement is great.  Formal education for this position is becoming increasingly customary.  Program lengths for Dental Assisting vary anywhere from 10 weeks to 1 year depending on the College or University.  In this article you will learn key steps that can be taken to secure a Dental Assistant position.

Finding a Position

There is sizable job market for Dental Assistants. They are in demand in many cities and states—some more than others.  The key to finding your next Dental Assistant position is remaining flexible.  Dental Assistants are used many settings, not just general private practice—cosmetic dental offices in Dublin CA and other locations, hospitals, prisons, schools/universities, and clinics all hire for this position.  Bear in mind the varied job setting you can work as a Dental Assistant widens your job search pool significantly.

Another job search helper is your current experience with people.  Dental Assistants repeatedly speak and develop relationships with clients.  Your experience working with various populations can help you determine which position when job searching you most qualify. For instance, if you have 3 years experience working in low-income communities or with a certain ethnic group this is perhaps your most marketable region to explore.  Look at dental settings that serve the same population you have worked with in the past. This local Dublin CA dentist always hires those with ample experience working with others!

How to Interview

Interviewing for any job can be nerve racking.  As a Dental Assistant, your job requires you to perform varied job tasks.  During your interview, do not oversell or sell your self-short.  If you work great under pressure, articulate and demonstrate this skill.  Likewise, if you’re strong at managing client files but weak at working chair-side detail this during your interview.  Highlighting your strengths and articulating your ability to strengthen your weaknesses on the job can help instrumentally in being hired.

Dental Assistants interact with practically all staff members in some shape or form.  Your personality is on interview as a result.  The hiring manager is looking for someone who fits the team.  Dental Assistants are very much a part of the team and glue that makes the office run smoothly and as a result, according to the office of All in One Dental Innovations, a good personality is a requirement.

Being Successful at the Job 

Landing the job is one small feat.  The other is growing within the organization and profession.  As a Dental Assistant you are in unique position to learn about the profession and business of dentistry. The family dentists in Cary, NC at Alliance Dentistry depend on their team, which includes their Dental Assistants. Make the most of your time on the clock.  If there are opportunities to perform new job duties, happily take them on.  Your eagerness to learn and be flexible can leverage advancement.

Also, utilize excellent organizational and communication skills with staff and clients.  Clients and staff should look forward to speaking with you. Client and staff count on you to smoothly transition them one appointment to the next. Your ability to successfully operate the office propels the success of every dentist you assist.

Dental Assisting is a solid career choice for anyone.  It is an entry-level position that can lead to reliable hours and pay.  With the demand for Dental Assistants, having a strategic career plan is key.  A plan like what’s illustrated in this article can encourage your job security. For more information about All in One Dental Innovations and their family practice.