If you have excellent typing skills or a passion for legal work, you may want to consider a career in court reporting.  Court reporters, also known as shorthand reporters, are responsible for recording the information discussed during official court proceedings.   The career is both demanding and rewarding, and an excellent choice for either a young professional or someone looking to change career paths.

For someone interested in a job as a court reporter, it’s important you have a certain set of skills.  The best court reporters are able to use the shorthand stenographic machines that are used during trials and hearings.   Modern technology has encouraged these machines rather than a typical pencil and paper, so it’s imperative that an aspiring court reporter feel comfortable using this technology.  The court reporters in Washington, DC often have a vast range of educational backgrounds, so there’s not one certain program or degree of study that prepares an aspiring court reporter. However, it does help if the individual has experience with type, the legal system, or medical technology.

If you are serious about court reporting, there are also specialized schools specifically for court reporters.  These types of schools are available throughout the United States, and help provide the necessary set of skills a court reporter needs. This may be a good option for those who lack the experience necessary to directly enter a career as a court reporter.   The most important thing is that you build up your typing skills, as the majority of court reporters are able to type a rate of 200 words per minute.

Capital Reporting Company is constantly hiring the best and brightest court reporters in Washington, DC and court reporters in Annapolis, MD. Apply today!